Sunday, November 1, 2009

Decision making and problem solving

Well I am on the home stretch now, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...I will get some sort of social life back...yay.
I am finishing off my final assignment for the semester and I am busy reflecting on my new knowledge.
I am excited that I have learned how to make well informed decisions and where to go to find more information. I am becoming an expert at problem solving because that's all I seem to do at present, but it is good to have some academic learning behind me and brilliant people that I can quote.
I can't seem to let go of my brilliant group from our group assignment. We managed to have a skype meeting the other night to discuss a few problems 2 of us were having with this assignment. I feel blessed to be able to throw around ideas with this wonderful group in an effort to solve a few problems I was having with getting it all together.
As Savage (1989)stated people utilize many means of communication and that is what I have learned in this course as I learned to do a blog, learned the intricacy's of Skype, kept a WIKI up to date, made a WIKI and sent numerous emails as well as contributing to the forum. Yes Savage sums it all up really well, People really do utilize many means of communication.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I'm back!!

Well it is ages since I have blogged. As you can probably tell it hasn't been the highest priority in my life.
My eldest son turned 15 during this week. Can't quite believe he is that old.....In 12months he will be pestering us for driving lessons. Now that is really scary.
My life spiralled out of control since the last blog entry.
My rheumatoid arthritis flared up terribly so I have just been trying to recover from that.
I have also been working on a pathfinder and analysis for ETL 501 so that has been consuming me for the entire school holidays.
Now I can devote my attention to the final assignment in ETL504. I have actually felt quite overwhelmed and don't really know where to start, but as I am running out of time I guess I need to start somewhere, so today is it!
It's such a beautiful day outside too which is a pity.

Friday, September 18, 2009

My boy is 12

I can't believe it, my middle child has turned 12 today... Where have all of those years gone? I think I lived in a blur when he was little which is why they seem to have gone so fast.
Oh well he went skipping off to school happy in the knowledge that he now has a nice new ipod dock and an i tunes card to buy games for his ipod. Then tonight his special request for dinner is a visit to sizzler!!! I can't wait until my kids hate going there as much as we do.
Anyway Happy Birthday Joel.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Post assignment traumatic stress syndrome

As a sufferer of Rheumatoid arthritis I thought I had the condition under control with appropriate medication. However, over the last few days this has been proven to be incorrect.
On Monday night I had no sleep due to intense pain in my joints caused by this condition. I was also unable to put any weight on my legs due to the intense pain. The only time I have experienced such pain was 12 months ago before I was diagnosed with this condition.
After having an emergency appointment with my specialist yesterday he asked if I had been under any stress lately??? My response was 'Is the Pope catholic???'
Obviously things like: starting a new job in a new school, group assignments, having a fight with your sons school which resulted in the teacher hanging up on you, witnessing a horrific bus crash full of your friends children, and the usual events that occur in a family with 3 children possibly could put me under a bit of stress.
He also pointed out the warning signs that my body had been giving me over the last few weeks and that I had chosen to ignore may also have contributed to the flaring up of the arthritis.
So today, I find myself at home instead of at work recovering and taking triple the amount of prednisone that I was taking in an effort to get it under control again.
I didn't realise just how stressful the group assignment was.....My group was really wonderful, but with two people used to completing assignments at a very high standard there were lots of last minute re-writes that I was not used to. I usually complete my assignments ahead of time and submit them early in case there are any unforeseen problems. they on the other hand work on them until the last minute, (which is probably why they do so well). Unfortunately I found that incredibly stressful.
Oh well, the doctor has said to reduce the stress in my life.......unfortunately I don't have any ideas how to do that, and it is too late to drop a subject so I guess I will plough on until the end of the year. In the meantime, I think I will go and watch Oprah!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

It is finished

Well after many skype conference calls, some successful, others not so....the group assignment has come to an end.
It's a bit sad really. The other 3 group members have become part of the family, part of my daily routine.
I'm going to miss our frequent calls and all of the laughter we have shared. It will leave a bit of a hole in my life actually.
It has been a really positive experience for me, they might feel differently.
It has been great seeing all of the readings about group behaviour coming to life in our little group.
At one stage it got quite ugly, but we were able to deal with that and move on which was fabulous.
The other 3 members of my group usually do extremely well in assignments, my experience is that I am happy with a pass. A girl friend laughingly said that maybe if they keep up their record I could actually do really well for once....thanks for the vote of confidence!(Actually at least she was truthful).
Oh well on to part B now, yet another part that I have no clue about.......

Friday, September 11, 2009

Lack of focus

Well today was going to be a day of working on my assignment, but it didn't start out very well and now I am really unsettled.
It appears that a bus on its way to school has been involved in a fatal car crash.
The school involved was the school that my daughter attends. Although she was not on the bus some friends children were. As you can imagine we are all very anxious for them.
It appears that the children have been sent to many different hospitals in the Sydney area, mainly as a precaution and to treat many minor injuries.
The toll could have been so much worse and we are thanking God that the children are ok.
Anyway as a consequence it is after 12pm and I am still in my pj's having been on the phone for most of the morning.
Maybe after I have some lunch I will start on the reading that I have to do.

I also want to say that I just love my group I have been working with, we have so much fun on our skype calls and continue to laugh a lot. However, I still think that group assignments suck!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Group assignments should be banned.......

Well last night we had a marathon conference call on skype.
We are all getting the hang of calling each other, but last night our call was full of problems. Group members kept cutting in and out, we had to all hang up and start again at one stage. The sound was a major issue that in the end caused us to finally end our call because we were all so frustrated with the irregular sound.
We changed quite a few things last night, but Beryl kept us right on task having added speaker notes next to each of our slides. That was new to me I didn't even know what speaker notes were let alone how to add them.
This project really is a huge learning curve for me.
Mostly I have no idea what the rest of my group are talking about so I volunteered to take notes for the entry in the wiki, because at least that way I am forced to concentrate and clarify points thus helping me to understand. I also feel like I'm not contributing a huge amount so at least that way I am doing something. I just don't want to be remembered for being the group member who did nothing to contribute which caused the downfall of the group.
Collaborative learning sucks! All group assignments should be banned!!! Everyone I talk to also agrees with this, even people not in this course agree that group assignments are shocking.
I am not looking forward to part B of this assignment, actually I haven't really looked at it yet as I just want to get through this part first and I was really focused on getting through the assignment. Looking at the forum yesterday I was amazed to see people still asking questions about the assignment.....the day before it was due. In my opinion they really should have had all of that sorted by that stage...Oh well, who knows maybe it will be me asking all of those questions next time.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Fathers Day

Well today is Fathers Day.
Happy Fathers Day to all of the fathers who are busy completing assignments today instead of being out celebrating fatherhood.
After church we went out for lunch as I am hyperventilating because I have a group meeting tonight and I feel very under prepared. Oh well 6 hours to prepare.....I can do anything!
I found some fabulous articles yesterday that are just perfect for our group topic so at least I feel like I am on the right track.
Our group still doesn't have a lot in concrete which is disconcerting as I have been reading how other groups are practically finished their power points. Oh well we still have a week and a lot can happen in a week.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Latest meeting

We had another hilarious skype meeting last night. I think we actually managed to get a fair bit accomplished along the way as well, but who knows maybe we didn't.
Unfortunately one of our team has not been joining in with our meetings as her computer apparently has a virus. That is such bad timing for her. As if distance study isn't stressful enough she now has that to contend with.
Last night's meeting went for 1hour and 50minutes....We might even break the 2hour barrier next time. Wow what an achievement!!! Roy would be so proud.
We adjusted our outcomes and set a few different goals. Actually as I still have no clue what we are doing I was quite happy with what we already had. The other 2 members of the group were throwing around names and research results and lots of jargon that I had no clue about so I just agreed with whatever they said, because to me it all sounded great.
I am still a bit concerned that we are making it more difficult than it really is, but I guess time will tell and they are great at picking up the little details.
I feel extremely blessed to have been placed in this group as they really seem to know what they are doing as opposed to me who has no clue.
Today I am home sick as is my youngest so I think I will crawl back into bed and have a sleep, then maybe I will look at these assignments again when I am feeling more coherent.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

reading 13

Cohen, S 2002, 'The seven pillars of negotiational wisdom', in Negotiating skills for managers, McGraw-Hill, New York, pp171-187.

Don't let the forest obscure the trees
Love that quote. It's just like one my husband quotes to me "if a man speaks in a forest and no woman hears him is he still wrong?"
Well duh, of course.

The 7 pillars of negotiational wisdom lists the process elements that merit consideration each time we negotiate. you need to prioritize them according to each negotiation you participate in.
The 7 pillars are:
1. relationship- treat each negotiation as an episode in an ongoing relationship. Understanding the value of the ongoing relationship can have a significant impact on how you pusue the negotiation process.
2. interests- each party undertakes negotiations in order to bring about the most favourable possible solution for their own interests.
3. BATNA- Your BATNA tells you wheter you have a better way to serve your interests.
4. creativity- think outside the box. Design your creativity to expand the possibilities available to the negotiating parties.
5. fairness- you should behave in a way you would consider fair if you were on the receiving end.
6. commitment- a negotiation can only be called successful when it yields an agreement to which the parties are committed.
7. communication- information is the fundamental asset in negotiation- and communication is how information moves from one party to others.

The 7 pillars are supported by one foundation: Preparation.

Now that I have read that reading I will spend the day preparing for our group assignment meeting tonight so that I don't appear to be the dead weight of the group.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Day of Spring

Yay it's the first of September and the first day of spring.....Unfortunately it is also the month that a lot of my assignments are due and I am beginning to hyperventilate at the thought of getting them finished.
Anyway here is my latest reading.

Reading 12
Mackay, H 1998. 'resolving conflict through listening'. in The good listener: Better relationships through better communication. Pan Macmillan, Sydney, pp189-199
* Resolution demands rationality and a steady focus on an outcome......well duh!
* Good listening is required if communication is to be established.

Did you know that high self-esteem in children is more likely to be found in families where there is open dissent and disagreement???? Well my kids should have extremely high self esteems!

Two conditions which need to be met before there is any hope of resolving conflict.
1. both of us must want a resolution to our conflict.
2. Both of us must be prepared to compromise.

Active listening is the key to success in conflict resolution.

Monday, August 31, 2009

What a disaster!!!

Oh my goodness what a disaster!!!
Last night we had a skype meeting and one of our team just didn't turn up. who knows why??? I wish I had thought of not turning up, and in fact I think the other two members of my team wished I didn't turn up either. I didn't have a whole lot to contribute, because I still really have no clue what I am doing. They were both really kind even though I think their thoughts about me probably weren't so nice. In the end I just told them to pretend I was a grade 2 student and just tell me exactly what to do. I wont be offended and that way at least they will get the product they are striving for. After a 1hour and 14minute skype call I was just happy to agree with whatever they told me to do, and I think the feeling was mutual.
One thing I did learn about skype is that you can mute your microphone while you scream at your kids. The members of my team didn't even have to listen to it.
This afternoon after work I was very busy trying to do my bit of research so that hopefully I will have a bit more to contribute at our next meeting on Wednesday night.
Not only am I feeling like a hindrance to my group, but I couldn't get onto google docs so that I could add my bit, or at least see what the others had done. I'm really feeling like a disaster now, but my husband hinted that the reason was because I have used all of our download for this month and we don't have enough left to get onto it because now our system is on go VERY slow until Wednesday.

I started the semester off with great intentions and a great system to stay on top of my readings, but unfortunately due to sickness of my daughter and not going to running training (my reading time) I am hopelessly behind. As a result I have decided to jump ahead to where I should be and just start reading from there with every intention of going back to do the few readings I have missed.

Reading 11
Savage, W 1989, 'Communication: Process and problems', In Human resource management in education. C Riches & C Morgan (eds), Open University Press, Milton Keynes, pp103-119

"A school's business is children' - wow that's profound!

Communication: process and problems
People utilize many means of communication.
Types of communication
1. Intentional communication.
2. Unintentional communication

Most communication is evaluative in nature.
Communication becomes a two way process when there is an upward as well as downward flow of information.

Rumour is an unverified account of something, usually communicated at great speed. A rumour doesn't let the facts get in the way of a good story.

Mass communication
A school principal attempts to communicate with the public through the use of some form of mass media.

Communication involves the transmission of information, ideas and attitudes. People tend to listen to messages that are in agreement with what they already believe and are favourable to 'their side'.

Communication must be repeated and reinforced.....Duh.
I'm off to bed, I think I just put myself to sleep with this incredibly boring reading!!!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

No clue, No idea

Well I survived book week, we only had take away once last week which was impressive.
I was in bed by 8pm every night as I was so tired. On the up side I sold about $7000 in books at the book fair which was a great effort but also explained why I was so tired at the end of each day.
Uni work took a definite back seat during the week, but on Friday I was up early ready to complete my section of the group assignment. At the end of the day I had achieved virtually nothing. I spent the day trying to find information online, I ended up in many dead ends. By 3pm I still had not put pen to paper and the kids were walking in the door. I did however manage to post my mother's sun glasses to her, because after all they had been sitting here for 3 weeks so Friday was the day they HAD to be posted, I also bought a gift for a friends daughter who will be one at the end of next month, and 3 Fathers Day cards for the kids to give their dad next weekend, and not to mention the compulsory cup of coffee from the cafe with the long line. As you can see they were all things that just COULD NOT wait until the assignment was completed.
So here it is Sunday afternoon and I still have no clue what I am going to present to tonight's group skype call. I really am a liability to this group I think. Maybe the rest of the group will steer me in the right direction tonight. I certainly hope so.
I am really tired today, on the verge of tears because I don't feel like I am making any progress in either of my subjects, snapping at my family because for some reason everyone else needs to use the computer as well, and in desperate need of drawing up my meal plan for the month of September as August has come to an end and if I don't have my meal plan I will have no idea what meals to serve up to my family for the rest of this month.
Oh well back to the Internet to find more information for tonight's meeting.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Skype conference call

Last night my group had our first ever conference call. The scheduled time was pushed back by half an hour, but finally right on time 3 out of 4 members of our group got together on skype.
We had a great chat, pretty much talking about every thing else except the assignment..... It turns out (1) one of our members has been a school principal for over 20 years.
(2) We all hate group assignments.
(3) We think we should be given more information in relation to information we may need for an assignment much sooner instead of the week before it is due.
(4) One group member failed an assignment in a previous subject last semester, the first time ever for her as she is used to getting HD's at uni......Not confidence building information I must say.
(5) Everyone in my group is fabulous and a lot of fun to be with.
(6) Principals aren't as bad as we are led to believe....

Anyway we ploughed through our topics and agreed to get back together next weekend at the same time.
The fourth member of our group used skype to call me just after we had finished. She had been caught up at school doing the most amazing book week display I have ever seen......

Today was the first day of book week so all TL's will be exhausted this week. Maybe take away is in order more than once this week.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

date change

Yay, another thing I have just learned.
I just changed the date on my blog.
It was bugging me that it was a day behind so I looked up the settings and found Sydney in the date and time selection and clicked on it. How easy was that???? I am now up to date and my blogs now make a whole lot more sense to me.


My husband just asked me if I planned on using skype frequently as it had used a lot of our download. How clueless am I? I didn't even realise it used download.
Apparently my chat with Roy the other night used the equivalent of downloading 2 television shows. In our house that can be a disaster, especially when we are downloading a series like the Amazing race or Survivor.
Anyway the solution to my download problem is a relative simple one as I see it, just pay extra and increase the download capacity each month....besides I should be able to claim it on my tax as the extra usage is being used for this course.
So yet another thing I have learned about technology....Skype uses lots of download!

Reading 7- Leadership and strategy

Cheng, YC 2002, "Leadership & strategy', in The Principles and practice of educational management, T Bush & L Bell (eds), Paul Chapman Publishing, London, pp51-69.

Concepts of Leadership
Leadership is seen to be related to the process of influencing others' behaviour and to goal development and achievement.
Traditional leadership theories concentrates on management techniques and interpersonal skills. However, from a Transformational perspective the leader is one who motivates people to do more than they are originally expected to do according to Bass (1985).

Domains of leadership influence
The affective performance refers to personal commitment.
The behavioural performance refers to general leadership behaviour.
The cognitive performance refers to building values and beliefs about education and management.

The influence process is a holistic way to perform leadership.

Five-dimensions of leadership
1. Human leadership
2. Structural leadership
3. Political leadership
4. Cultural leadership
5. Educational leadership

Leadership for multiple models of educational quality
* Goal developer
* Resource developer
* Process engineer
* Social leader and satisfier
* Environmental leader
* Supervisor
* Organisational developer

Staff members' continuous reflection on their actions and learning to improve and enhance their teaching and daily practice becomes a necessity (Schon, 1987; Watkins and Shindell, 1994).
So that's why we have to keep this reflective journal, it's not just a fill in time exercise after all!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Tom Tom was robbed!!!!

Well it is 12.19pm and I have just managed to get on the CBCA website to see the list of book winners for book week this year.
they are:

Early Childhood Book of the Year 2009

'How to heal a broken wing' by Bob Graham.
Now while Bob Graham's book is a nice little book, for educating an audience and for absolutely beautiful pictures you really can't go past Tom Tom. I feel that Rosemary Sullivan has been ripped off, even though she did get an honour award. after all no-one remembers the honour awards, just the winner.

Picture Book of the Year 2009

'Collecting Colour' is the winner of this category. This is a nice enough book, even though I did get a bit emotional when reading 'Home and away' this winner is well thought out.

Younger Readers Book of the Year 2009

The winner is Perry Angel’s Suitcase. I haven't seen this book yet, so I can't really comment.

Oh well yet another award ceremony that is bound to get a community of librarians talking....

Book Week Display- Book Safari

Well I have the photos on the page. They are not laid out the way I would like, but I have no clue how to move them around the page so maybe next time I will get it better.
Special thanks to Michelle Briggs a mother at my school who conceived and brought to life this wonderful book week display.

Database reading- A school without a principal

Barnett, D., McKowen, C. & Bloom, G. (1998). A school without a principal. Educational Leadership, 55(7), 48-49.

This article is based on real experiences at Anzar High School in where else but California.....
The teachers are all very positive about the school and say that it works well although it is not without its challenges. But of course they would say that because probably all of the staff that don't believe in the system have either left or didn't work there in the first place.
There is a set of guidelines that are followed to ensure that the school runs smoothly. They are:
(1) Commitment to practicing good communication.
(2) Collectively owning problems and collectively solving them. This means that teachers are learning to anticipate problems that would not always be apparent to teachers. They commit to the idea that the needs of the school outweigh the needs of individual teachers or of the teachers as a group.
(3) Allowing conflict and being accountable for speaking up.
(4) Commitment to help and support others.
(5) Commitment to honesty.

I wouldn't mind seeing a reality style television show of Anzar High School to see just how it operates. As it is in California I guess it's not out of the question that we may see it on our tv screens in the not too distant future.

All I can say is that I don't think I could work in that system, and nor would I want to send a child to that school, although after my experience of the public school system ( and some private schools) some schools would probably be better off without a principal!

Reading 6

My next reading is Beck, J. & Yeager, N. (1994). Making teams work: An underused window of opportunity. In The leader's window: Mastering the four styles of leadership to build high-performing teams (pp. 183-206). New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Teams fail to achieve their goals because of the fierce individualism in our culture. However, a high-performing team is one that has high involvement from the leader and everyone on the team adopted a can-do attitude. They also found ways to celebrate their successes and developed a team spirit.
A group is not the same as a team
A team has a clear mission, inter-related goals, clear roles and responsibilities, and strategies with contingency plans.
Stages of Group Development
stage 1-
Forming, polite communication, needs boundaries.
stage 2- Focusing. Questioning, power struggles. Decision-making procedures need to be clarified, challenge boundaries.
stage 3- Performing, productivity, shared responsibility and a clear sense of purpose. acceptance of boundaries.
stage 4-
Levelling. Starts to ignore boundaries.

Wasted Time
Asking a group to decide is a huge trap for leaders. It usually ends in pointless debates, frustration, and wasted time.

In relation to the operation of my group I think we are still in the first stage of development, although I am quite happy to just perform as a group member with a leader, and Beryl or James seem to be stepping up into that position. I certainly won't be entering into any sort of power struggle.

Roy Rocks!

The other night when I was feeling really frustrated with my assignment I noticed that Roy was available on skype, so not one to miss an opportunity I called him. I think he may now be regretting my call. Whenever I asked him a question he would respond with something along the lines of "well what are you trying to achieve?" and I would respond with something along the lines of 'No clue!!". By the end of the 40minute conversation I think he may have been left scratching his head about how clueless I actually was, but he was gracious enough to encourage me and set me on my way. Now I am sitting here trying to work out just what he said from my notes...... Anyway it was great to have such easy access to my subject coordinator, if nothing else it has made me feel better.
I am also feeling fairly confident when it comes to using skype.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Group work

Last night I used skype for the first time to communicate with Beryl who is in my group for our group assignment. all went well until we lost the sound and I couldn't hear her, then when I called her back I couldn't get my video to work. Oh well I guess it is all a learning experience.
We had a great chat and she was able to send me on the right track for my section of work as she successfully completed a subject last semester and this is my first subject.
It was great talking to her, although we drifted off the topic several times it was great to connect with her.
I think I am enjoying learning about and using all of this new technology and my son is over the moon as he can stay in contact with his school friend who has moved to live in Vietnam for 6 months.
All is good.
Not only that, but today I arrived at school to find that the library had been decorated by a couple of mothers for book week. It looks fantastic and it is clear that they had put in a fair bit of time to get such great results. Apparently they do it each year for the librarian I am currently relieving. I will try and remember to take photos tomorrow at school and post them on my blog.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

we have skype

Yay, my techno savvy neighbour has been in and helped me set up skype. She showed me how to use it and we called each other. It's a very exciting step for someone who is as technologically challenged as me. This course is really making me step out of my comfort zone and get 'up to date' with what is going on around me in the world. I am loving it and can't believe how far I have already come.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Reading 5- Law & Glover 2000

Yes Sheena there are going to be lots of words to read....sorry!
Team leadership is the only form of leadership acceptable in a society where power is shared and so many people are near equals. (Belbin 1993:107)
I just love that quote. It really sums up leadership in schools quite well.
Defining differences
6 factors as defined by Adair (1986)
1. a definable membership
2. Group consciousness
3. A sense of shared purpose
4. Interdependence
5. Interaction
6. ability to act in a unitary manner

In this reading a good meaning for group and team were given. I like many people just used to 2 terms interchangeably.
Group- 2 or more people working together.
Team- a deliberately constructed group where there is a clear focus on its processes and level of performance, have a sense of 'team-identification, have interconnecting and interdependent functions.

The route to team cohesion is likely to be both traumatic and problematic. Schutz (1966) identifies 3 stages of concern - 1. Inclusion 2. Control. 3. Affection

Teams often pull in different directions because their purpose is unclear.
Team Building Issues
Team building may be hindered by head teachers...( and don't we all know a head teacher who falls into this category???)
Conformity and Group norms
There are 2 kinds of pressure that push people to conformity according to Deutsch and Gerrard (1955). 1. Informational pressure.
2. Normative pressure
Teams, Roles and Performance
Most of the research revolves around identifying factors capable of improving team performance.
3 features to be aware of when working in a team.
1. Expectations
2. Functions

A group of high achievers don't necessarily make the best team. The most successful teams have a complementary range of skills.
according to Belbin's useful people to have in a team I am of no use to anyone as I don't seem to fit the criteria for a good team member no matter how hard I try. The closest I could come was the 'team worker' although I don't always promote harmony in a team....

I found it interesting that Murgatroyd (is that a real name???) and Gray found that classrooms largely act as mirrors of the organisation of the school as a whole. Isn't that the truth. When the boss is snappy and demanding the pressure flows into the classroom and the teacher gets snappy and demanding with the children, however when the school is positive and friendly this to overflows into the classroom.
Without effective communication, team cohesion has little chance.

Think I might go and reflect a bit on our group assignment because I really don't want to let my group down by not being a useful team member....

totally overwhelmed

Well today is my uni day. No going out for lunch or coffee with friends just a whole lot of hard work.
So far today I have signed up for skype. Unfortunately I have no idea ho to actually work it. Guess I will wait until my computer savvy neighbour gets home from work to help me. Also had to install a program for my new webcam I bought. Unfortunately that hasn't gone as smoothly as I hoped so will wait for my computer savvy husband to get home from work to show me how to do that properly. Quite clearly I am not vey tecno minded, but already in this course I have learnt more about technology than I had acquired in a lifetime.
Yesterday at work I had to make 2 borrowing cards for 2 new children at my school. Took me over an hour and then I made up the numbers to go on the card because I couldn't find the ones the computer spat out. Also accessioned 1 book........also took an hour!! Missed a staff meeting because I didn't realise the letters T&D meant training and development and are for the whole staff. Schools really should explain their jargon and letter abbreviations to new staff members. If I was in leadership that would be a priority. Also found out that I should be organising a book character parade for book week. No-one told me that it is on every second year and this is the year and book week is the week after next! So as you can see I am on a massive learning curve at the moment.
My goals for this semester are to be able to accession books quickly and accurately, use skype properly (I really feel sorry for my group) and eventually come up with a decent wiki.
At least by the end of this course I will have lots to write about because I came into it knowing nothing and by the end I should have some sort of knowledge.
I'm going to look at the readings I have done for this week so that I can add them to my blog.

Friday, August 7, 2009


I think I pressed the wrong button and ended up posting before I had finished.
I guess that was another thing I have learned.
Two Types of Teams
1. The lead learning team- they are responsible for the strategic plan and the annual management plan and should have about 10-15 members ranging from the principal to ancillary staff.
2. The task learning team- they have to empower members of the school community. It is usually smaller than the lead team.

Roving Leadership
Task learning teams give opportunities for roving leadership in schools. Other members of the school are able to be mentored and coached by senior leaders of the school.

The thing I got most out of this reading is that collaborative decision making does not just happen but is a result of excellent training to develop expertise and the need for volunteers to want to be involved and not expected to be involved.

Oh well off to primary school soccer now.

That sinking feeling

Well I survived my first week at work, but today I am exhausted and feeling just a little bit overwhelmed about our first group assignment. I really have no clue what to do and just seem to be getting more and more confused.
anyway back to what I have learned through my readings so far.
READING 4- Collaborative decision making with teams. By Hough and Paine.
I really enjoyed this reading and was able to recognise the different forms of decision making that had been made in all of the schools I have worked in.
although it was said that the autocratic style of decision making would be difficult to find in schools I can sadly say that I worked in a private school that operated in just this way.Indeed it was a difficult system to work in.
I do agree though that most schools work according to Bureaucratic model.
Although some schools appear to use the consultative method the sad fact is that many principals have their own agenda and only 'pretend' to consult with the school community and ultimately make the decision that they had originally wanted to make before the consultative process began.
I found it interesting that research has shown that the way a school is run will be reflected in the running of the classroom. An interesting point I have often commented on, but is nice that Hough and Paine have also stated this.
The Development of teams
A team is a group of people working together to achieve a common goal or output.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Steep learning curve

Today was the first day of my new job. It's in a primary school library. Having worked in a primary school library for the last 6 months I thought this would be a breeze....How little did I know.
My new library is two to three times larger than the previous one I worked in and I am discovering there is a lot to learn. All I can say is thank goodness for book week because at least I have a ready supply of new books to work with in my lessons. Today I spent an obsene amount of time trying to find some requested items for a teacher. Oh the joys of not knowing where to find them. After checking all of the obvious places and less obvious ones I was unable to find them. According to OASIS they are in the library which is incredibly frustrating. I can only assume that they have been 'borrowed' without being scanned correctly.
Hopefully this problem will resolve itself in the next couple of days.
Oh well off to my daughters running training and more time to be able to do my readings for this subject, although the way my head is pounding I'm not sure how much I will take in..

Monday, July 27, 2009

Why the Roosters are at the bottom of the ladder!

A strange title for a blog about library studies I know, but I was quite excited when I discovered the reason during my reading today.....According to Principle 8 of 'The 12 quality principles' from Streeton Primary School 2000 there needs to be effective use of facts, data and knowledge as it leads to improved decisions. Apparently someone needs to tell Brad Fittler that he should take more notice of the data that should be obtained about health, muscle tone, agility, stamina and speed, because such data is useless unless it leads to improvement. Clearly this has not happened this season. The Roosters board is at fault in its leadership as it is making decisions that are event driven rather than working to an overall plan. This is also seen in their choices of players and new coach for next year. Instead of looking at the big picture and focusing on the root causes they are choosing to focus on the symptons, that is the loss of many games. This example is seen in principle 2 as suggested by Streeton Public School.
How good was that reading by Streeton Public School I am now much better informed on leadership issues and can apply it to all areas of my life, not just in the library.
It was also emphasised in this article that learning improves when we have time to reflect, because we are often to busy to stop, stand back, look, listen and think.
I got through quite a lot of reading today while I waited for my number 2 son to ride his scooter at the skate park, and actually enjoyed what I was reading.
I also read the Harvey, Bearly and Corkrum reading titled 'Core Steps in Decision making'. How eye opening was that. It was interesting to see the elements that were common in the problem solving. These were * Problem identification
* Developing possible solutions
* Choosing a course of action
They also suggested that implementing a decision can often generate resistance, causing more problems instead of fixing the ones that are already there.
A 6 step approach was suggested when decision making.
1. Mind Set
How will you think about the problem, not how you will deal with the problem.
2. Problem Definition
There are 4 categories of problems
1) Short-Fall- Corrective action is required to reestablish a previous condition.
2) Opportunity- Usually occurs because of some change in the external or internal environment.
3) Improvement- Proactive approach to getting better and staying ahead.
4) New Venture- Takes us places we have never been before.
3. Solution Criteria
This defines parameters so that the decision is more analytic, rather than emotional.
4. Possible Solutions
Be Creative!
Once possible solutions have been generated you need to clarify, combine, and document them.
This is an idea-generating step so don't allow judgement or analysis.
Adapt, don't adopt.
5. Solution Choice
Don't vote for a solution, work at it until you have a consensus, which means that everyone substantially agrees.
6. Implementation
Implementation has 3 distinct sub-steps. Planning, Doing and inspecting.

Evaluation, Revision and Renewal
Evaluate the solution to see if it solves the problem then evaluate the problem-solving process followed by revision to find a better fit to the organization.

I feel like I really used my time well while watching my son ride his scooter, and with my new found knowledge the Sydney City Roosters should employ me to solve their problems and help them win another premiership.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Reading has begun in earnest

Well this weekend I started the daunting task of beginning to read the readings that we have been assigned. It has proved to take longer than I thought. sure wish I could speed read like Kath Day- Knight in Kath and Kim.....Sure would make it quicker. Oh well thank goodness I had to sit and wait for my middle child at cricket trials today(never thought I would hear myself utter those words). anyway I put my time to good use and read.

Reading 1: Donham, J, 'Leadership'
This reading was interesting as I realised that I knew nothing about the previous topics I had written about on this blog.

Leadership Attributes
* Technical competence
* Conceptual skill
* People skills
* Judgement
* Character
Above all Leaders know and respect the limits of their circles of influence.

Leaders are can do people who look to themselves to make programs great and inspire others to join in the enterprise.
Donham also tells us the Hatzell suggests that proactive people look for change opportunities, they anticipate and prevent problems, they take action and tend to persevere.
I loved what Jim Collins said were required to make a good program great.
* Understand what you can and cannot be best at. a leader knows what areas they are best at and strive to be as good as possible in the other areas.
* Pursue what you are deeply passionate about because the passion for one aspect of the field will generate the intense enthusiasm to invigorate and inspire students so that you will also stay energized.

Fullan suggested 3 attributes for a sound vision: 1. Concreteness
2. Sharedness
3. Clarity

Lao Tzu said "When the best leader's work is done, the people say, 'We did it ourselves'"

In order to lead from the middle, librararians need to put themselves into influential positions by volunteering to serve on curriculum committees or leadership teams.
Clear and articulate communication is a key element in asserting leadership among colleagues.

Strategic Leadership
You need to have a vision. A vision is a clear mental picture of the future result that is clearly communicated and easily perceived.
You need to set standards for performance and measure performance against those standards.
Seize opportunities as they arise.

Reflect periodically on progress made and goals to be met.
Journal regularly.
Mentor students by sharing enthusiasm.

Action Strategies
Learning and Teaching
Information access and delivery
Program administration

Never be self-serving. and always project a professional image.

This was a really good reading and cleared things up. It was also good to mentally picture leaders that exhibited the qualities talked about in the article to make it make a bit more sense. Clearly I have a long way to go to become a good leader if the points listed above are anything to go by.
Oh well on to my next reading from section 1 on Organisational theory. Maybe I will give an update on that tomorrow.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Things that I know.....or don't know!

Well here I am doing my second post and as they say on reality television I am on an amazing journey of discovery.
As part of ETL504 I have been asked to write down the things that I already know about a number of subjects. As my knowledge is fairly limited this shouldn't take long, and as 'Master Chef' is now over I can devote myself totally to the study of this subject as I appear to have suddenly gained extra time in my day!
So far in this course I have managed to learn how to request books and photocopies successfully from the CSU library. However, in my haste to get myself organised I obtained copies of all of our compulsary readings, an exercise that took me 2 hours and 3 phone calls to the library only to discover the next day that the college actually posted out a book with all of the readings in it...How dumb did I feel. Oh well I now know how the library works.
Also in an effort to be organised I also printed off the subject outlines and put them into my nice new folders that I purchased (colour coded for each subject) only to also discover that the uni sent me out a hard copy of that as well. Oh well if I get through this semester I will know for next time.
I have also learnt how to contribute to forums. How cool are they? I usually spend lots of time on the telephone, these are a much quicker way of communicating. I love it. Roy gave us some headings to write under so here are mine.

Leadership of Teacher Librarians and their place in the school organisation
My knowledge of this is very limited, but I think that in the school organisation the teacher librarian is way down the pecking order of the school leadership. Demands are made from higher up in regards to purchasing and accessioning books as well as demands from classroom teachers to help them complete the classroom curriculum. The library can also be a bit of a dumping ground for kids that haven't completed their bookwork in the class time to do so in their lunch hour.

As the librarian in the school there is a need for you to be a good communicater with both staff and children as you appear to be an integral part of the learning cycle in a school. Hopefully clear communication lines are open to ensure collaborative planning with the other staff members.

Organisational Theory
I hope this means the different theories involved in getting a library organised complete with ideas for putting systems into place. Admittedly I know nothing about this, but I really am eager to learn more.

Strategic Planning
I'm fairly sure this means the planning of the library program so that you know ahead of time how you can program in the library to ensure that quality learning takes place.

Well as you can see I know nothing about any of these topics. Actually even less than I thought. I will now go and start on my readings to hopefully improve my knowledge in this area.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

First ever post

Well apparently I have to set up a blog to document my journey while I am doing my Masters of Education in Library teaching. So here it is..................
I am a bit nervous about starting this course as I haven't studied for over 20years. Hope I don't blow it as I really need this piece of paper to get a job in a school library. I just love teaching library and really want to further my career in this area.