Monday, August 31, 2009

What a disaster!!!

Oh my goodness what a disaster!!!
Last night we had a skype meeting and one of our team just didn't turn up. who knows why??? I wish I had thought of not turning up, and in fact I think the other two members of my team wished I didn't turn up either. I didn't have a whole lot to contribute, because I still really have no clue what I am doing. They were both really kind even though I think their thoughts about me probably weren't so nice. In the end I just told them to pretend I was a grade 2 student and just tell me exactly what to do. I wont be offended and that way at least they will get the product they are striving for. After a 1hour and 14minute skype call I was just happy to agree with whatever they told me to do, and I think the feeling was mutual.
One thing I did learn about skype is that you can mute your microphone while you scream at your kids. The members of my team didn't even have to listen to it.
This afternoon after work I was very busy trying to do my bit of research so that hopefully I will have a bit more to contribute at our next meeting on Wednesday night.
Not only am I feeling like a hindrance to my group, but I couldn't get onto google docs so that I could add my bit, or at least see what the others had done. I'm really feeling like a disaster now, but my husband hinted that the reason was because I have used all of our download for this month and we don't have enough left to get onto it because now our system is on go VERY slow until Wednesday.

I started the semester off with great intentions and a great system to stay on top of my readings, but unfortunately due to sickness of my daughter and not going to running training (my reading time) I am hopelessly behind. As a result I have decided to jump ahead to where I should be and just start reading from there with every intention of going back to do the few readings I have missed.

Reading 11
Savage, W 1989, 'Communication: Process and problems', In Human resource management in education. C Riches & C Morgan (eds), Open University Press, Milton Keynes, pp103-119

"A school's business is children' - wow that's profound!

Communication: process and problems
People utilize many means of communication.
Types of communication
1. Intentional communication.
2. Unintentional communication

Most communication is evaluative in nature.
Communication becomes a two way process when there is an upward as well as downward flow of information.

Rumour is an unverified account of something, usually communicated at great speed. A rumour doesn't let the facts get in the way of a good story.

Mass communication
A school principal attempts to communicate with the public through the use of some form of mass media.

Communication involves the transmission of information, ideas and attitudes. People tend to listen to messages that are in agreement with what they already believe and are favourable to 'their side'.

Communication must be repeated and reinforced.....Duh.
I'm off to bed, I think I just put myself to sleep with this incredibly boring reading!!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOL I'm laughing with you, not at you!

    Keep your chin up :)
