Saturday, April 10, 2010

Topic 4 readings

Langford, L. (1998). Information literacy: a clarification

This article was a great critical evaluation of lots of articles that the author had read. While reading this I realised that my assignment probably should be more along the lines of the way Langford wrote this article.
She pointed out that there had been a shift in educational thinking in relation to information literacy.
She gave a short history of literacy which was quite interesting, but probably a statement that had the most impact on me was when she said "The concept of literacy really depends on the information needs of the society of the time" so according to this statement as technology changes and our access to it also changes so will the concept of information literacy................maybe that's my aha moment right there.........
I liked the way that she compared all of the definitions provided by the different authors. I too had read what these authors had written and had not picked up on the subtle changes like she did. It is getting pretty obvious to me that I am no academic!
I would not have thought that Doyle's set of rubrics were a benchmark for understanding information literacy, but I may need to look into that a bit more thoroughly.
she managed to confirm my expectation that information is a lifelong goal not one that is achieved easily or quickly.
She pointed out that TL's are in a favourable position to ensure that all of this takes place, but also points out that it is also the role of the classroom teacher to ensure that it takes place in the classroom setting.
I am so glad that she stated that the outcome of an information literate society is lifelong learning. Yay she confirmed what I had come to believe while completing assignment 1.

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