Monday, April 19, 2010

module 5 readings

Fullan, M. (1999). Chapter 3: The deep meaning of inside collaboration. In Change forces: The sequel, (pp.31-41). London, Falmer Press.

In this article Fullan spoke about the black box of collaboration. He said that collaborative schools are essential for success and gave ways that professional schools make a difference.
He gave a critical evaluation of other literature on this topic and shared the views of Earl and Lee (1998) on the topic of change.
I found it interesting when we were told that only about one-third of elementary schools were engaged in self initiating and actively restructuring processes after five years of reform.
Principals in successful schools take a long term focus which is good because these principals don't tend to shift to the latest fad that is being promoted as being the latest solution to everyone's problems.
My views of leadership were confirmed when it was stated that effective collaborative cultures are not based on like minded consensus. In a previous school that I worked in the head of the junior school surrounded herself with lots of 'yes men' who were all considered to be like minded as she hated confrontation on any sort. By employing like minded people there would never be any need for confrontation. Unfortunately this is the culture of the school as the head of the school also surrounds himself with like minded people who are too weak to stand up for their convictions. Unfortunately if you choose to be strong willed and go against their views you are gradually phased out of the school and encouraged to go elsewhere.
In this article diversity is valued. Oh how I wish I could pass on this article to my previous boss.
This article also talks about community building and suggests that it is only possible if organizational members develop trust and compassion for each other.
at my current school my boss is excellent at building community and collaboration is a healthy side effect of this.
I always considered that collaborative schools were the most innovative, but according to this article that is not necessarily true which take the pressure off a bit.
Although leaders are essential teachers spontaneously self-organise.
This was a fascinating article and one which although was challenging was also quite reassuring.

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