Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Part A done and dusted

I didn't move from the computer all day yesterday (I didn't even watch Ellen or Oprah....such a sacrifice) and I had worked solidly on it all day Monday and over the weekend too. As a result of staying focused I went to bed last night safe in the knowledge that I have completed Part A of our ETL401 assignment 2......and it's not due for a few weeks.
The only problem with completing it so soon is that I will now spend the next few weeks fine tuning it constantly.
I now have a sound knowledge of information literacy models and feel quite comfortable using the NSW DET model with a few minor variations depending on my class at the time.
I really enjoyed researching all of the models and would have liked a few more words in my word count to add a few more things, but like we kept being told "Keep it succinct" so I did.
I can now put IL models behind me and move onto the teacher librarian standards. On that, I would love to meet a librarian that has managed to achieve all of the standards. I think that it's an impossible task and way out of reach of mere mortals. But like we are told it is something to aim for. I think it would be easier to fly to the moon than achieve those standards though.


  1. Interview me - I am the PERFECT TL!

  2. Ha Ha. I've worked with you! Have you read the standards lately????
