Friday, March 18, 2011

Gaming and 3D Worlds- Module 2 continued

Well I have just wasted 2 hours trying to understand second life which is a 3D world that I am supposed to become involved in for this subject.
I clearly have no idea what I am doing. All I have managed to do is join and get my user name and password as well as a cool avatar. And that's where it ends.
I am now supposed to visit the CSU  learning centre and send a friendship offer to Lena.
Not only am I unable to find the learning centre, but who knows who Lena is! I have done the tutorial, downloaded the software like I was told to do and copy and pasted the links into my web browser to try and get to the learning centre, but I am unable to do so.
Maybe it has something to do with Firefox. I don't know, all I know is that I have wasted time that I really don't have and have not achieved the objective that was set.
Obviously this will not be one of the three online activities that I choose to add to my online journal for assessment.
Mind you if I had to do a critical evaluation it would be along the lines of....Who in the world would ever use this program? I guess the majority of users would be social misfits who don't have any friends and need to live in some kind of  a fantasy world. Mind you they are a whole lot more intelligent than me because at least they can work out the system, a system that I find too difficult and complicated to be able to use. Good luck to all of those people that have become friends with Lena you have probably just earned a distinction in this subject because you actually get this part of the module!!!
I think I will just move on and forget all about finding Lena!

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