Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dublin Core

After looking up the Dublin Core website and in particular the frequently asked questions I have discovered that the Dublin Core metadata is used to supplement existing methods for searching and indexing Web-based metadata, regardless of whether the corresponding resource is an electronic document or a "real" physical object.

The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DCMES) was the first metadata standard deliverable out of the DCMI was an IETF RFC 2413.
DCMES provides a semantic vocabulary for describing the "core" information properties, such as "Description" and "Creator" and "Date".

Dublin Core metadata provides card catalog-like definitions for defining the properties of objects for Web-based resource discovery systems.

According to my notes the Dublin Core meta data is based on 4 principles.
  1. simplicity
  2. semantic interoperability
  3. international consensus
  4. extensibility

Unfortunately even though I have browsed this site and read the required information I still have not experienced any clarity as to what I should be beginning to understand. Oh well I will keep plodding on.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cathy :) I have been exploring this same site today ! It is pretty amazing, there are over 50 countries involved in creating the Dublin core.
    I am sure it will all sink in more as we go along. I hope so anyway ! :) enjoyed reading your blog entry
