Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blogger down!

A problem of using technology has just raised its head again.
I tried to go onto blogger last night and discovered that it was down.
In the 2 years that I have used this for my online journal this is the first time that I have encountered this issue.
If I was writing in a book this wouldn't have happened, but then knowing my organisation I would probably have lost it by now.
at least blogger is up and running this morning so I can keep blogging to my hearts content.

1 comment:

  1. A few heart palpitation!! Loosing all your content is something to be mindful of when working in 'the cloud'. I realised that I didn't have all my uni work in an alternative soft copy, but luckily I had the full RSS feed of my journal. Something to consider as an alternative to backing up content.
