Well I am on the home stretch now, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel...I will get some sort of social life back...yay.
I am finishing off my final assignment for the semester and I am busy reflecting on my new knowledge.
I am excited that I have learned how to make well informed decisions and where to go to find more information. I am becoming an expert at problem solving because that's all I seem to do at present, but it is good to have some academic learning behind me and brilliant people that I can quote.
I can't seem to let go of my brilliant group from our group assignment. We managed to have a skype meeting the other night to discuss a few problems 2 of us were having with this assignment. I feel blessed to be able to throw around ideas with this wonderful group in an effort to solve a few problems I was having with getting it all together.
As Savage (1989)stated people utilize many means of communication and that is what I have learned in this course as I learned to do a blog, learned the intricacy's of Skype, kept a WIKI up to date, made a WIKI and sent numerous emails as well as contributing to the forum. Yes Savage sums it all up really well, People really do utilize many means of communication.